Karjeros diena GRAVITYVilnius Gediminas technical university (VILNIUS TECH) is an innovative Lithuanian university that educates creative and highly qualified professionals. The University is a leader in the field of technological sciences and provides modern, labour market-oriented studies.
VILNIUS TECH GRAVITY is a centre of attraction between scientific talent and the country’s leading businesses and modern organisations. It is a centre whose gravity attracts people who can not only overcome the existing laws of the universe, but also create new laws of a dynamic and promising business.
Career Day is a great opportunity for companies to come together once a year in one place and get to know not only the university community but also the students. VILNIUS TECH and its business partners are working hard to develop cooperation. This is so that company representatives can get to know and interact with the students personally and thus recruit talent for their companies.
Kviečiame į jubiliejinį 21-tą kartą organizuojamą karjeros dieną, kuri suburs ne tik VILNIUS TECH studentus, alumnus, bet ir moksleivius, perspektyviausias įmones bei įvairias organizacijas.