Event program
Event location VILNIUS TECH central building (Saulėtekis av. 11, Vilnius)
Attending people: 5 000 – 10 000
Format: exihibition + conference
GRAVITY It is the mutual attraction center of scientific talents and leading businesses of the country, as well as modern organizations
Presenter: Paul De Miko – Paulius Mikolaitis
Language: Lithuanian / English
11:00-11:15 Start of the event and rector’s Romualdas Kliukas welcome speech
11:15-12:00 Discussion. Lietuvos Geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways). Director of Technology Vytautas Bitinas. „Time to forget what you knew about railways?” (LT)
12:00-12:15 Break
12:15-12:45 Discussion. FL Technics. General Director Žilvinas Lapinskas. „From landing a plane for repairs to take-off – Where does your career fit?” (LT)
12:45-13:00 Break
13:00-13:35 Discussion. VILNIUS TECH. Digital Badges Project Manager Ingrida Leščauskienė. „The most wanted skills in the labour market” Alumni digital badge scholarship awards. Ignitis Grupė. Ignitis groups head of the #EnergySmartSTART program Giedrė Žlibinienė. VILNIUS TECH Alumni President, Scania Lietuva General Director Darius Snieška and Lithuanian Game Developers Association Project Manager Ričardas Jaščemskas. (LT)
13:35-13:50 Break
13:50-14:30 Discussion. EPAM Systems. Head of the software engineering group and head of the .Net practice in Lithuania and Latvia Vaidas Karalevičius. „Interview Practical Showcase: Simulation of an interview at a global company to prepare for challenges and simplify complexities“ (EN)
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:05 Discussion. Southwestern Advantage. Company founder and Director Ryan Davis. „Principles of success as young professional“ (EN)
15:05-15:20 Break
15:20-15:50 Discussion. Grigeo group. Technical manager Modestas Skierus. Production code: „Myths and reality” (LT)“
15:50-16:00 Conclusions and farewells
